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Pesticide-Free Cambridge

PFC stall at Cambridge COP26 Climate Fair, 25 Sept 2021

Many thanks to everyone who stopped to chat with us on Parker's Piece at the Cambridge COP26 Climate Fair (12-4 pm), and who added their signatures to our petition which asks the City Council to stop using herbicides on Cambridge's streets and green spaces, as well as taking a proactive role in encouraging local stakeholders including the University, colleges, and schools, to ditch herbicides AND insecticides for the sake of biodiversity and human health.

Cambridge Independent article covering the event, including an interview with PFC.

If you haven't done so already, please do sign and share the digital version of our petition. We now have more than 600 signatures, but need more local ones in order to instigate a Full Council debate.

We'll also be at the next Cambridge COP26 Climate Fair on 23 October (details to follow), so do stop by and see us then if you can!

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