Press Release following Cambridgeshire County Council's return to use of herbicides
Pesticide-Free Cambridge - Public questions at council meetings
How to deal with neighbour's pesticide use
France urban pesticide ban extended
PFC/More Than Weeds - pavement plants event in Arbury
Happy Bee Streets, pesticide-free adoption scheme
Herbicide spraying again during school commute
Cambridge: city of (sprayed) hedges
Reporting irresponsible pesticide use
Pesticide-free adoption of 'The Snicket', Cambridge
Freedom of Information request & response, 4/6/21: Cambridge City Council policy on herbicide use
Poems, artwork and other creative offerings on pesticides, ecology and human health
On the 114th anniversary of Rachel Carson's birthday, positive action is long overdue
From gnats to bats, via newts and frogs: seeing biodiversity flourish in real time
Our petition to make Cambridge pesticide-free has 388 signatures!
Herbicide spraying on verges in Newnham, Cambridge
Herbicide spraying season has began in Cambridge
Wasps are not useless! Please don't poison them.
PFC Petition launched, 13 Jan 2021
Welcome to Pesticide-Free Cambridge