Pesticide-Free Cambridge was at the Growing Together in Arbury fringe event of the Cambridge Sustainable Food festival on Saturday 15 October, alongside On the Verge Cambridge, Museum of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Skills, , Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination, Tzu Chi Cambridge, and More Than Weeds. We had a good number of conversations with members of the public and various stakeholders about the importance of going #pesticidefree across many different contexts in the city (including homes, schools and businesses), and how to go about it. We gave out all of our printed copies of our new Guide to Going Pesticide-Free in Your Home and Garden, which we will post to our website soon (
UPDATE 24 JAN 2023: our Pesticide-Free Guide can now be downloaded as a PDF from the Resources section of our main website.
More than Weeds chalked up the names of many of the pavement plants around Arbury Court in celebration of what are usually dismissed as weeds. Arbury is, of course, one of the city's two-ward herbicide-free trial in which Cambridge City Council has stopped spraying the verges, pavements and gutters with glyphosate. The feedback is that it's gone very well and many residents support it. We trust that in keeping with the Council's Herbicide-Free Motion of July 2021, this will be rolled out across the whole city by the end of this year. Many thanks to Arbury Court Library, Cambridge City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council for facilitating the event. Let's do another one soon!
Some more photos from the event: