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Pesticide-Free Cambridge

Cambridge Independent coverage of expansion to herbicide-free trials (30 March 2023)

Council Expands Trial of Herbicide-Free Weed Control, Alex Spencer, Cambridge Independent, 30 March 2023 (Print version)

Article from this week's Cambridge Independent on Cambridge City Council's decision to expand the herbicide-free trials rather than implement a city-wide rollout by the end of last year, as was originally proposed in the July 2021 motion, but whose original wording was unfortunately changed to remove the commitment to a hard stop.

For background, including records of the council's Herbicide Reduction Working group meetings, see here.

For Cambridge City Council's Press release (24 March 2023): see here.

Two more Cambridge wards to become herbicide-free - but campaigners call for city-wide action, Alex Spencer, Cambridge Independent, 3 April 2023, 09.55.

Updated, online version:

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